Raleigh Tabletop RPGs (RTR) is an open and welcoming community of tabletop RPG lovers in the Triangle area. RTR supports its members in crafting fun gaming experiences, and building an inclusive and caring gaming community.
Those aren’t just some words we toss up on our site. Since RTR’s founding, we’ve strived to be these things: open, welcoming, inclusive, and caring. There has long been a stigma that the RPG community was only populated by a very specific type of person and suffered from extreme levels of gate-keeping for anyone different. We wanted something different. In RPGs, we often imagine and heroically strive for better and brighter worlds; I very much hope that RTR can contribute to making the real one a little better and brighter, too.
I’m very passionate about these goals and they are close to my heart. It is essential to me that RTR welcomes all minorities. And, as a gay man, it is even more dear to me that it be a safe place for the LGBTQ+ community. Leading RTR can take a substantial amount of energy, but I have been so grateful and thankful to watch our LGBTQ+ membership grow.
And I think that’s only possible because of everyone who came before me and who stands with us today. I think the diverse, kind, and approachable volunteer staff of RTR are second to none. They have made our club into a true community that cares for and supports each other.
This Pride Month we loudly proclaim that Gay Rights are Human Rights. Trans Rights are Human Rights. Being yourself is truly a revolutionary act. And we are a community that embraces, cherishes, and stands up for our LGBTQ+ members.