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Running a volunteer organization like Raleigh Tabletop RPGs isn’t free, both in the volunteer’s time and actual money. We need to pay for things like space to play, web services, event materials, and various other costs that come along with being a social club of gamers.

A large cornerstone of RTR’s beliefs is that no one should have to pay to participate in our events. As a way to make that happen, we ask for donations to cover our costs.

Digital donations are the easiest for us. If you wish to donate digitally, we have several services where we can receive donations:

If you attend any of our in-person events, you can donate cash by speaking with any of the Organizers.

You’ll quickly notice that all digital donations route through our Head Organizer, Johnathan, as RTR does not maintain our own bank account. If you run into any issues with digital donations, you can send an email to the RTR Organizers or reach out to us on our Discord server.

Thank you for any donation you make – it is only by our members donating their time and money that Raleigh Tabletop RPGs can exist!