After discussing this issue with our members and our Organizers, we’ve decided not to return to in-person gaming at this time. I really regret this, but the Delta variant and strain on the local health care system leads us to be overly cautions. However, Free RPG Day isn’t cancelled! Here are the two options:
- In-person play: If you want to run one of the Free RPG Day modules in person on Free RPG Day, please contact me or another member of the Organizer staff. We will pass your information along to Gamer’s Armory, who is hosting their own event. We’re not affiliated with the event, but are happy to point people their way.
- Virtual Play: If you’re interested in running one of the Free RPG Day modules virtually, please reach out to me to schedule a date and time. Gamer’s Armory has offered to ‘sponsor’ these VTT sessions much like the in-person sessions – the GM will get a copy of the module. We’ll be offering these under the Try It Out program and ask all virtual games thank and mention Gamer’s Amory in their session.
If you have any questions about this, as always feel free to reach out to me or any other Organizer. Thanks!