On Nov. 4th, the RTR leadership had a meeting. During the meeting, we discussed the following:
- Changes to Facebook’s Groups Policy: Facebook has changed its group policies. The policy that impacts us most directly is the policy that allows people to “join Public Groups and get updates with a single click, without needing approval.” We discussed how this will affect our current practices.
- SOP Development Plans: We have a couple of Semi-Organized Play games that will be wrapping up in the next year, and we are making plans for what will come next. Our plans include some shifts from what we have done traditionally, including:
- An emphasis on lower crunch games. We will be focusing on games whose rules are no more complicated than Dungeons and Dragons, and often significantly less complicated.
- An emphasis on games with moderately-sized settings. We want to be sure we don’t have so much lore that no one knows what’s going on.
- Updated guidelines for the development process for new SOPs.
- New SOPs should spend nine months to a year in development, and start with a team of at least four (five to six is better). This ensures that there’s enough time to get everything set up with minimum stress and burnout.
- We will be having pre-meetings with Game Masters who are interested in show-running an SOP.
- Community Meeting Planning: We identified our next steps, which include looking into Discord Stages, and updating our introduction.
- Enabling Community Participation: We discussed ways to make it easier for people to engage with RTR. Our plans include:
- Planning more community events like informal workshops and other informal gatherings.
- Creating more and better help for people who are new to RTR. We plan to do the following:
- Updating our website to add an FAQ and linking to materials for people who want to find out what RTR is about from the front page.
- Updating our Discord materials for new server-members.
- Creating more and better help for people who are new to GMing for RTR, as well as providing guidance on how to make sessions “sell”.
- Establishing a monthly roll-up of looking-for-group and looking-for-players posts to help people find each other.