On Feb. 10th, the RTR leadership had a meeting. During the meeting, we discussed the following:
- Tori presented the plan for the Community Meeting. We reviewed the meeting announcement, discussed how we will solicit questions and address questions during the meeting. We are looking at April 17th as a meeting date.
- We discussed how to handle unfilled positions. Community support positions that always need to be filled will be listed as empty positions on our org chart. We also have plans to produce an overview of previous Community support positions that could return if someone is interested. Community support positions outside of the core community support positions will be created/filled when and if people are passionate and available to fill them. This could include new positions, such as Home Game Organizer, etc., or the return of an older community support position. The core community support positions include:
- Head Organizer
- Ombud (We are still seeking to fill the Ombud positions. The prior Ombuds stepped down and we don’t have current volunteers to fill the position. The Organizers as a group are temporarily handling these duties, but we would like to recruit for new Ombuds as soon as the community can sustain that.)
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- The Dungeons and Dragons SOP will be launching on April 2. More information is coming soon.
- JC presented an initial draft of the mission statement, which is currently undergoing editing.