On Jan. 17th, the RTR leadership had a meeting. The topics we covered included:
- Upcoming SOPs: Dungeons and Dragons is coming soon to an SOP near you. We’ll be running two tables a session 2021 Q2. We’re still discussing what will fill the slot in Fall 2021. Our current plans are to talk to the community and make plans from there.
- Maintaining our community:
For now, we will be moving from using Ombuds to handle breaches of conduct to having the Organizers handle issues that arise. If a conduct issue involves an organizer that person will recuse themself from discussions and decisions surrounding that issue. The @Ombudsman role will no longer be used on Discord. Please use the @rtr-organizer tag to immediately ping all active moderators on Discord.
We plan to update the Code of Conduct to have a stronger focus on the type of community we want to be, rather than just laying out dos and don’ts. - Casual events: We discussed possible ideas for casual social events that can be held online, such as Jackbox game nights.
- Website updates: We discussed a number of topics, including readability, updates to the site footer, our process for updating the site structure, and plans for a new page for new users, which we will link to in our Discord welcome.
- Discord updates: A new category named “Retired SOPs” was created and we moved the channels of SOPs that have been retired into that category. We are also recruiting a small group of people to help discuss ideas on how to improve our Discord server.
- Spring meeting: We are planning a meeting for the entire community during Spring of 2021. The meeting will take place virtually.
We will be meeting again in February to plan for the Spring Town Hall.